const truffleFlattener = require('truffle-flattener');
const Compiler = require('../compile/compiler');
const Logger = require('../logging/logger');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const ora = require('ora');
/** Flattener class. Abstracts flattener functionality for the use of the user, as well as general code modularity. */
class Flattener {
* Initializes a Flattener instance.
* @param {object} options - Options object.
* @param {Logger.state.ENUM) logSetting - Log setting to use with all class functions.
constructor(options, logSetting = Logger.state.NORMAL) {
this.options = options;
this.log = new Logger(logSetting);
this.compiler = new Compiler(options, logSetting);
* ASYNC - Flattens all files passed, and optionally writes to file. Generic function in order to work with various kinds of flatteners (truffle-flattener is currently the only one used, but will very likely introduce more options for users in the near future)
* @param {string[]} files - Files to flatten; an array of filepaths to be passed, e.g. (['./contracts/meme.sol'])
(note; this should usually only be one in most instances; this piece of the API may change soon)
* @param {string} filepath - Filepath to write flattened contract to.
* @param {boolean} [writeToFile=false]
* @return {string} flattened - Flattened contract.
* [NOTE FOR DEV]: Seems to be a conflict in using this.options to determine write location, or even whether to write at all; return to this later, commenting out "const dir" line.
async flatten(files = [], filepath = null, writeToFile = false) {
const spinner = ora('Flattening .sol file ' + filepath + '...').start();
const flattened = await truffleFlattener(files);
//const dir = this.options.flatten.writeLocation;
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, flattened);
this.log.print(Logger.state.NORMAL, "Flattened file \"" + filepath + "\" written!");
} else {;
return flattened;
* ASYNC - Flattens the contract at the specified filepath, and compiles the flattened output, returning the compiler.compileSource() output.
* @param {string} filepath - Filepath of the single contract to flatten and compile.
* @param {boolean} [writeToFile=false]
* @return {object} compiled - See Compiler class for what the output of this may look like.
async flattenAndCompile(filepath, writeToFile = false) {
const root = this.options.root;
const base = path.basename(filepath);
//TODO: Throw error if not an array
const src = writeToFile ? await this.flatten([filepath], path.resolve(this.options.flatten.writeLocation, base), true) : await this.flatten([filepath]);
const compiled = this.compiler.compileSource(base, src);
return compiled;
module.exports = Flattener;