* =================
* solidity-deploy
* =================
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2019 Luiserebii
const defaultConfig = require('./config/default-config');
const Compiler = require('./compile/compiler');
const Flattener = require('./flatten/flattener');
const SolcUtil = require('./compile/solc-util');
const Deployer = require('./deploy/deployer');
const DeployUtil = require('./deploy/deploy-util');
const Logger = require('./logging/logger');
const LogUtil = require('./logging/util');
const PrettyPrint = require('./styling/pretty-print');
const EtherscanVerify = require('./verify/etherscan-verify');
const util = require('util')
class SolidityDeploy {
* Initialize a SolidityDeploy object. Main point of entry for config-based needs. In other words, if you are looking to use an object listed here with particular configuration, please initialize this and call the appropriate method.
* @param {object} options - User options, which will overwrite any default ones.
constructor(config={}) {
this.config = Object.assign(defaultConfig, config);
* Create a Compiler object.
* @param {Logger.state.ENUM} logSetting - Log setting, as represented by the Logger state enum.
* @param {object} options - User options
createCompiler(logSetting=undefined, config=this.config) {
return new Compiler(config, logSetting);
* Create a Flattener object.
* @param {Logger.state.ENUM} logSetting - Log setting, as represented by the Logger state enum.
* @param {object} options - User options
createFlattener(logSetting=undefined, config=this.config) {
return new Flattener(config, logSetting);
* Create a Deployer object.
* @param {web3_instance} _web3 - Initizalized web3 instance, with provider set
* @param {JSON} [_compiled=null] - solc compilation output. Required for using `async deploy()` function!
* @param {Logger.state.ENUM} logSetting - Log setting, as represented by the Logger state enum.
* @param {object} options - User options
async createDeployer(web3, compiled=undefined, logSetting=undefined, config=this.config) {
return await Deployer.build(web3, compiled, logSetting, config);
//Allows for easy straightforward constructor
module.exports = SolidityDeploy;
module.exports.compile = {
module.exports.deploy = {
module.exports.flatten = {
module.exports.logging = {
module.exports.styling = {
module.exports.verify = {